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OMB No. 9000-0157

Federal agencies use this form to obtain information from architect-engineer (A-E) firms about their professional qualifications. Federal agencies select firms for A-E contracts on the basis of professional qualifications as required by the Brooks A-E Act (40 U.S.C. 1101 - 1104) and Part 36 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

The Brooks A-E Act requires the public announcement of requirements for A-E services (with some exceptions provided by other statutes), and the selection of at least three of the most highly qualified firms based on demonstrated competence and professional qualifications according to specific criteria published in the announcement. The Act then requires the negotiation of a contract at a fair and reasonable price starting first with the most highly qualified firm.

The information used to evaluate firms is from this form and other sources, including performance evaluations, any additional data requested by the agency, and interviews with the most highly qualified firms and their references.


Part I presents the qualifications for a specific contract.

Part II presents the general qualifications of a firm or a specific branch office of a firm. Part II has two uses:

1. An A-E firm may submit Part II to the appropriate central, regional or local office of each Federal agency to be kept on file. A public announcement is not required for certain contracts, and agencies may use Part II as a basis for selecting at least three of the most highly qualified firms for discussions prior to requesting submission of Part I. Firms are encouraged to update Part II on file with agency offices, as appropriate, according to FAR Part 36. If a firm has branch offices, submit a separate Part II for each branch office seeking work.

2. Prepare a separate Part II for each firm that will be part of the team proposed for a specific contract and submitted with Part I. If a firm has branch offices, submit a separate Part II for each branch office that has a key role on the team.


Individual agencies may supplement these instructions. For example, they may limit the number of projects or number of pages submitted in Part I in response to a public announcement for a particular project. Carefully comply with any agency instructions when preparing and submitting this form. Be as concise as possible and provide only the information requested by the agency.


Architect-Engineer Services: Defined in FAR 2.101.

Branch Office: A geographically distinct place of business or subsidiary office of a firm that has a key role on the team.

Discipline: Primary technical capabilities of key personnel, as evidenced by academic degree, professional registration, certification, and/or extensive experience.

Firm: Defined in FAR 36.102.

Key Personnel: Individuals who will have major contract responsibilities and/or provide unusual or unique expertise.


Part I - Contract-Specific Qualifications

Section A. Contract Information.

1. Title and Location.   Enter the title and location of the contract for which this form is being submitted, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request.

2. Public Notice Date.   Enter the posted date of the agency's notice on the Federal Business Opportunity website (FedBizOpps), other form of public announcement or agency request for this contract.

3. Solicitation or Project Number.   Enter the agency's solicitation number and/or project number, if applicable, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request for this contract.

Section B. Architect-Engineer Point of Contact.

4-8. Name, Title, Name of Firm, Telephone Number, Fax (Facsimile) Number and E-mail (Electronic Mail) Address.   Provide information for a representative of the prime contractor or joint venture that the agency can contact for additional information.

Section C. Proposed Team.

9-11. Firm Name, Address, and Role in This Contract.   Provide the contractual relationship, name, full mailing address, and a brief description of the role of each firm that will be involved in performance of this contract. List the prime contractor or joint venture partners first. If a firm has branch offices, indicate each individual branch office that will have a key role on the team. The named subcontractors and outside associates or consultants must be used, and any change must be approved by the contracting officer. (See FAR Part 52 Clause "Subcontractors and Outside Associates and Consultants (Architect-Engineer Services)".) Attach an additional sheet in the same format as Section C if needed.

Section D. Organizational Chart of Proposed Team.

As an attachment after Section C, present an organizational chart of the proposed team showing the names and roles of all key personnel listed in Section E and the firm they are associated with as listed in Section C.

Section E. Resumes of Key Personnel Proposed for This Contract.

Complete this section for each key person who will participate in this contract. Group by firm, with personnel of the prime contractor or joint venture partner firms first. The following blocks must be completed for each resume:

12. Name.   Self-explanatory.

13. Role in This Contract.   Self-explanatory.

14. Years Experience.   Total years of relevant experience

(block 14a), and years of relevant experience with current firm, but not necessarily the same branch office (block 14b).

15. Firm Name and Location.   Name, city and state of the firm where the person currently works, which must correspond with one of the firms (or branch office of a firm, if appropriate) listed in Section C.

16. Education.   Provide information on the highest relevant academic degree(s) received. Indicate the area(s) of specialization for each degree.

17. Current Professional Registration.   Provide information on current relevant professional registration(s) in a State or possession of the United States, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia according to FAR Part 36.

18. Other Professional Qualifications.   Provide information on any other professional qualifications relating to this contract, such as education, professional registration, publications, organizational memberships, certifications, training, awards, and foreign language capabilities.

19. Relevant Projects.   Provide information on up to five projects in which the person had a significant role that demonstrates the person's capability relevant to her/his proposed role in this contract. These projects do not necessarily have to be any of the projects presented in Section F for the project team if the person was not involved in any of those projects or the person worked on other projects that were more relevant than the team projects in Section F. Use the check box provided to indicate if the project was performed with any office of the current firm. If any of the professional services or construction projects are not complete, leave Year Completed blank and indicate the status in Brief Description and Specific Role (block (3)).

Section F. Example Projects Which Best Illustrate Proposed Team's Qualifications for This Contract.

Select projects where multiple team members worked together, if possible, that demonstrate the team's capability to perform work similar to that required for this contract. Complete one Section F for each project. Present ten projects, unless otherwise specified by the agency. Complete the following blocks for each project:

20. Example Project Key Number.   Start with "1" for the first project and number consecutively.

21. Title and Location.   Title and location of project or contract. For an indefinite delivery contract, the location is the geographic scope of the contract.

22. Year Completed.   Enter the year completed of the professional services (such as planning, engineering study, design, or surveying), and/or the year completed of construction, if applicable. If any of the professional services or the construction projects are not complete, leave Year Completed blank and indicate the status in Brief Description of Project and Relevance to This Contract (block 24).

23a. Project Owner.   Project owner or user, such as a government agency or installation, an institution, a corporation or private individual.

23b. Point of Contact Name.   Provide name of a person associated with the project owner or the organization which contracted for the professional services, who is very familiar with the project and the firm's (or firms') performance.

23c. Point of Contract Telephone Number.   Self-explanatory.

24. Brief Description of Project and Relevance to This Contract.   Indicate scope, size, cost, principal elements and special features of the project. Discuss the relevance of the example project to this contract. Enter any other information requested by the agency for each example project.

25. Firms from Section C Involved with This Project.   Indicate which firms (or branch offices, if appropriate) on the project team were involved in the example project, and their roles. List in the same order as Section C.

Section G. Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects.

This matrix is intended to graphically depict which key personnel identified in Section E worked on the example projects listed in Section F. Complete the following blocks (see example below).

26. and 27. Names of Key Personnel and Role in This Contract.   List the names of the key personnel and their proposed roles in this contract in the same order as they appear in Section E.

28. Example Projects Listed in Section F.   In the column under each project key number (see block 29) and for each key person, place an "X" under the project key number for participation in the same or similar role.

29. Example Projects Key.   List the key numbers and titles of the example projects in the same order as they appear in Section F.

Section H. Additional Information.

30. Use this section to provide additional information specifically requested by the agency or to address selection criteria that are not covered by the information provided in Sections A-G.

Section I. Authorized Representative.

31. and 32. Signature of Authorized Representative and Date.   An authorized representative of a joint venture or the prime contractor must sign and date the completed form. Signing attests that the information provided is current and factual, and that all firms on the proposed team agree to work on the project. Joint ventures selected for negotiations must make available a statement of participation by a principal of each member of the joint venture.

33. Name and Title.   Self-explanatory.

Part II - General Qualifications

See the "General Instructions" on page 1 for firms with branch offices. Prepare Part II for the specific branch office seeking work if the firm has branch offices.

1. Solicitation Number.   If Part II is submitted for a specific contract, insert the agency's solicitation number and/or project number, if applicable, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request.

2a-2e. Firm (or Branch Office) Name and Address. Self-explanatory.

3. Year Established.   Enter the year the firm (or branch office, if appropriate) was established under the current name.

4. DUNS Number.   Insert the Data Universal Numbering System number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Information Services. Firms must have a DUNS number. See FAR Part 4.6.

5. Ownership.

a. Type.   Enter the type of ownership or legal structure of the firm (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, joint venture, etc.).

b. Small Business Status.   Refer to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code in the public announcement, and indicate if the firm is a small business according to the current size standard for that NAICS code (for example, Engineering Services (part of NAICS 541330), Architectural Services (NAICS 541310), Surveying and Mapping Services (NAICS 541370)). The small business categories and the internet website for the NAICS codes appear in FAR Part 19. Contact the requesting agency for any questions. Contact your local U.S. Small Business Administration office for any questions regarding Business Status.

6a-6c. Point of Contact.   Provide this information for a representative of the firm that the agency can contact for additional information. The representative must be empowered to speak on contractual and policy matters.

7. Name of Firm.   Enter the name of the firm if Part II is prepared for a branch office.

8a-8c. Former Firm Names. Indicate any other previous names for the firm (or branch office) during the last six years. Insert the year that this corporate name change was effective and the associated DUNS Number. This information is used to review past performance on Federal contracts.

9. Employees by Discipline.   Use the relevant disciplines and associated function codes shown at the end of these instructions and list in the same numerical order. After the listed disciplines, write in any additional disciplines and leave the function code blank. List no more than 20 disciplines. Group remaining employees under "Other Employees" in column b. Each person can be counted only once according to his/her primary function. If Part II is prepared for a firm (including all branch offices), enter the number of employees by disciplines in column c(1). If Part II is prepared for a branch office, enter the number of employees by discipline in column c(2) and for the firm in column c(1).

10. Profile of Firm's Experience and Annual Average Revenue for Last 5 Years.   Complete this block for the firm or branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the experience categories which most accurately reflect the firm's technical capabilities and project experience. Use the relevant experience categories and associated profile codes shown at the end of these instructions, and list in the same numerical order. After the listed experience categories, write in any unlisted relevant project experience categories and leave the profile codes blank. For each type of experience, enter the appropriate revenue index number to reflect the professional services revenues received annually (averaged over the last 5 years) by the firm or branch office for performing that type of work. A particular project may be identified with one experience category or it may be broken into components, as best reflects the capabilities and types of work performed by the firm. However, do not double count the revenues received on a particular project.

11. Annual Average Professional Services Revenues of Firm for Last 3 Years.   Complete this block for the firm or branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the appropriate revenue index numbers to reflect the professional services revenues received annually (averaged over the last 3 years) by the firm or branch office. Indicate Federal work (performed directly for the Federal Government, either as the prime contractor or subcontractor), non-Federal work (all other domestic and foreign work, including Federally-assisted projects), and the total. If the firm has been in existence for less than 3 years, see the definition for "Annual Receipts" under FAR 19.101.

12. Authorized Representative.   An authorized representative of the firm or branch office must sign and date the completed form. Signing attests that the information provided is current and factual. Provide the name and title of the authorized representative who signed the form.

Go to Section A B C D E F G H I Part II
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